noodi10 (16:56:34) ach soooo
joes (16:54:35) I live there, but my mum’s finnish
noodi10 (16:54:04) wait joes why does it say germany on your profile lmao
noodi10 (16:53:42) or what kind of music do you like making
noodi10 (16:53:31) what trackers do you use?
noodi10 (16:53:22) hot damn
joes (16:53:04) 50 from ~1000 tracks
noodi10 (16:51:09) how many samples you got?
noodi10 (16:51:03) oooo nice
joes (16:49:47) I spent the other day looking for samples in my music library
Time Left: 3:48
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