Stinsen (18:27:14) will do if i find the energy to register heh
Rapture (18:26:50) please add me ^.^
Rapture (18:26:41) com
Rapture (18:26:40) dot newgrounds dot
Rapture (18:26:36) rapturemusic
Stinsen (18:26:25) coolio! i'll check it out
Rapture (18:26:13) if you have a newgrounds, lets connect there.
Rapture (18:26:01) veryr good SOUNDCLOUD alternative. love it!
Rapture (18:25:53) stinsne, I am on NEWGROUNDS nao! O
Rapture (18:25:43) I DONT LIKE SOLA BURN
Time Left: 13:20
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