Agemixer (17:45:46) Seymour, right I'm quite good with the words but my english sux
Seymour (17:44:42) embraces?
Rapture (17:43:36) Hugsssss
Agemixer (17:43:31) but i love some tight squeeze but you are right..
Seymour (17:43:13) Age, PFFT is funny. I wish I could forget it, someday.
Seymour (17:41:34) Indeed hugs are the curing. For Agemixer gentle, light versions please
Agemixer (17:40:45)
Rapture (17:40:08) Age are ya hurt less? oki
Rapture (17:39:57) infinite hugs
Agemixer (17:39:55) Seymour yeah still hurts but not that bad... i'm with 3 painkillers and then a relaxant
Time Left: 3:37
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