I bet, there would be lotsa comments "eww, you like geese? and you never write about human girls. are you like crazy? And you write WHAT about that political party? I bet you're r*cist f*ckist supermacho*ist and what-ever-else-label*ist too! hahahah! fool!
but on FB TW it's like posting it to the whole world (if you don't set FB to only-for-friends mode)
I feel safe here, a small nice community, non-toxic (99%)
I'd really wanna know what would happen I i'd write the stuff I write HERE, in my FB and TW feed every day
4) if you write your opinion on some topic, then someone from OTHER topic comments on that. It's like you're spied 24/7. be careful what opinion you write on FB, with your realname.