SPACE (15:27:12) also you must know 1 thing, society is controled by certain fields, psy operators, check psy terror, gangstalking
zoner (15:27:02) and not considerd something medical, so the insurance does not cover it
Rapture (15:26:49) it's cure
zoner (15:26:45) the problem with massage is that it is expensive
Rapture (15:26:42) geese help me lots with spirituality and meditation. it's very peaceful.
zoner (15:26:21) oldchap, me too, some sort of meditative snooze
Rapture (15:26:16) a bit lazy to go, that's all
Rapture (15:26:12) ah, massages. yes I'm sure I have lots of tensions and stress stored in organs and muscles.
zoner (15:25:40) relieving the tensions i didn't even know i had all over the body
Rapture (15:25:37) sometimes I dont feel good after I installed a new regular food habit. once I got rid of it, the problem vanished.
Time Left: 3:35
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