Some1NamedNate (07:54:58) who else can't get into the mod archive?
Some1NamedNate (07:54:25) hey y'all
LittleWhite (07:53:23) Hey DennyItaly, necta listener who do not request, hey zoi, ultimate lover of the Hyperbase masterpiece
DennyItaly (07:21:40) morning o/
zoi (07:13:08) top of the morning to you all hyperbase lovers
Rapture (03:00:01) gn8 & cya!
Rapture (02:59:59) per pm or so
Rapture (02:59:56) tell me if my math is correcto
Rapture (02:00:20) I think that is one of Chris' fav synths right now
Rapture (01:32:23) arturia minifreak
Time Left: 3:42
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