Gyrominiac (02:58:32) what do you mean?
Agemixer (02:57:35) Gyrominiac: I'm tad confused.. is this handle a new one here in necta?
Gyrominiac (02:47:52) 3 new uploads now, let me see if i have more
mirrorbird (02:47:44) (that's out of the LYRA II demo!)
mirrorbird (02:47:28) "qłajt" is remarkable
mirrorbird (02:47:13) after second bottle he was quite drunk and lying under the table
mirrorbird (02:47:02) Polish English i quoted in my dissertation lol
mirrorbird (02:46:47) "after sekond botyl hi waz qłajt drunk and lejing ander ze tejbl"
Agemixer (02:45:43) (theres no counterpart for "th" though)
Agemixer (02:44:55) mirroorbölrd i bet juu kään riid this finnishaisd inglis oolsou?
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