d_vibe (07:17:25) it's morning
d_vibe (07:17:21) It's not good night at 05:13 CET
d_vibe (07:17:06) Moin
zoi (06:51:03) you can't shuffle around in your underwear drinking beer all day if you don't start first thing in the morning
zoi (06:50:32) You're setting the bar too low
LittleWhite (06:47:26) Usually, I start my day with pants on
zoi (06:46:50) pants off!
LittleWhite (06:45:47) Hey!
Ishaan (04:15:56) Good night! See you tomorrow
Rapture (04:13:13) but i go to bed, gn8 & cya!
Time Left: 9:59
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