Rapture (01:05:10) i just act as if IRC is dead.
mirrorbird (01:05:05) did you live through whatsit collapsing -- err, the one that all the free projects used, that got taken over by a dick
Rapture (01:05:01)
Rapture (01:05:00) M(
Rapture (01:04:59) FOMOOOOOOOO
Wirlaburla (01:04:47) I use it daily. A few softwares I use have prominent communities still on the IRC.
mirrorbird (01:04:41) yeah, like email headers, it comes from a slightly more trusting time
Stinsen (01:04:33) i'm OUTTA onliner, but i have my HANDY
Rapture (01:04:30) early 2000 for me
mirrorbird (01:04:28) WB: then you get an ELITE HAX0R BOUNCE
Time Left: 6:38
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