Rapture (01:05:50) vira?
Stinsen (01:05:50) lol #huelsbeck
mirrorbird (01:05:48) what a horror
mirrorbird (01:05:43) ah yes Freenode
Rapture (01:05:40)
Rapture (01:05:35) i was mostly on #huelsbeck
Wirlaburla (01:05:27) Freenode? I witnessed it live.
Viraxor (01:05:27) not that far from truth
Rapture (01:05:10) i just act as if IRC is dead.
mirrorbird (01:05:05) did you live through whatsit collapsing -- err, the one that all the free projects used, that got taken over by a dick
Time Left: 6:38
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