Rapture (01:18:22) bbl
mirrorbird (01:18:06) sliced wrists. closing ticket.
Rapture (01:18:03) cable spaghetti lol
mirrorbird (01:17:52) asked if problem had recurred since last year's turning off and on again. Customer not sure, but probably yes.
Rapture (01:17:51) as we say here
Rapture (01:17:49) but what about cable salad
Wirlaburla (01:17:48) LOL Virax
mirrorbird (01:17:37) Customer indicated he had already "tried turning it off and on again". asked when. Customer said approx 12 months ago.
Viraxor (01:17:36) o you said wires my vad
Wirlaburla (01:17:30) Not wireless, but the option to interchange the cable between the device and periphial.
Time Left: 4:13
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