mirrorbird (00:23:31) well the up-down barrel is like being on a playground swing. you have to change direction when you're at the furthest point. then it will go further out each time.
Agemixer (00:23:28) Beanmoji?
Rapture (00:21:36) vodkano wrote that smiley a lot
Rapture (00:21:32) whatta
mirrorbird (00:20:44)
Rapture (00:20:01) CZECH eh CHECK IT!
Rapture (00:19:50) mirror P.M. DAWN again in your inbox!
mirrorbird (00:19:28) it means: necta's fault not yours
Agemixer (00:09:58) Anyway the error code was 500. Just if that tells anything at all
Agemixer (00:06:48) Interesting bug.
Time Left: 3:39
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