Rapture (00:25:15) lets hear kummatti city
Rapture (00:24:56) Age-o-rama \o/
Rapture (00:24:45) I'm confuzzled
Rapture (00:24:43) hmmm.. yoo.. not really
Agemixer (00:24:42) Hi Rap
mirrorbird (00:24:31) then you keep swinging higher every time. ya know
Rapture (00:24:26) half life 1+2? ah. never played 'em.
mirrorbird (00:24:23) a swing in the park, when you were a kid. when you get to the highest point, you push with your legs
Rapture (00:24:17) hi age
Rapture (00:24:11) i though that rotating platform
Time Left: 2:38
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