Rapture (02:23:29) ok and which is which? W-wordings!
Rapture (02:23:25) explorer found: 5000 00-playlist.m3u
mirrorbird (02:23:18) CDs are retro technology now, can't believe
Rapture (02:23:08) but 00 playlis on ALL my albums, then searching in explorer, LEADS TO NOTHING MAN !!!!!!!
mirrorbird (02:23:00) yeah definitely seen a hidden CD track where you had to rewind at the beginning (can't remember what album)
Rapture (02:22:49) only hidden tracks later on the CD
Rapture (02:22:41) never saw a 00 track on a CD though
Rapture (02:22:33) nice word, hehe
Rapture (02:22:32) 00 - Playlist I make cuz, I like to sort things tidily!
mirrorbird (02:21:33) aha, never mind, found it
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