Rapture (22:38:17) that's why they are called like that
Rapture (22:38:13) long tunes are long
edlinfan (22:36:28) 3 in a row
HexaDecimator (22:36:10) so many long tunes tonight
Rapture (22:33:59) o/
edlinfan (22:30:11) all o/
Rapture (22:29:19) Hello!
prowler (22:28:46) Right, I usually get that to work, drag-drop the playlist into good ol' WinAmp
prowler (22:27:58) ah right, heard someone said the certificate was expired.
edlinfan (22:27:52) you should be able to listen using the other streams on the Streams page
Time Left: 7:59
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