d_vibe (09:34:43) ipv4 though
d_vibe (09:34:40) My internet provider has actually given me a static ip address
d_vibe (09:34:23)
zoi (09:31:24) the nectarine.inversi0n.org relay serves over IPv6 as well.
zoi (09:29:58) my internets provider actually gives me native IPv6. Pretty fancy shit.
zoi (09:29:47) woosh
Agemixer (09:29:37) gimme a break?
Agemixer (09:29:22) struct?
mirrorbird (09:28:50) the C class, or as some prefer to call it, struct
Agemixer (09:26:20) IMO it should have done in a way that it simply goes down to a simple AND operation for masking nets
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