mirrorbird (14:43:29) the water tasted good though, quite sweet
mirrorbird (14:42:57) "that's the last time i take nautical advice from the oneliner!" i glugged, sinking
mirrorbird (14:42:33) "zoi you said i could make a raft out of sugar! you told me you'd done it 50 times!!" <zoi> did i say sugar, i meant wood
mirrorbird (14:42:25) ROFL and LMAO
zoi (14:42:09) ror and lol
mirrorbird (14:41:44) even then he'll probably mix up shift and rotate just to fuck up my demo
mirrorbird (14:41:25) but actually anything. except maybe opcodes
mirrorbird (14:41:20) i will definitely never trust zoi about any-- i was going to say "any swedish word"
Rapture (14:41:06) bicycle race yeppo queen
d_vibe (14:41:04) You're on fire today, Mirror
Time Left: 3:59
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