(i also hate going to an event where i don't know anyone. so i don't )
but I have this problem: coming to parties, and everyone is there, and then "raptureeeee.. !" *teasing* I would want to shout": Ah shaddap, you fucken ppl!"
i think the problem is, Rapture, that you confuse "not being noticed", with "being mocked". it sucks if you don't know anyone. but if they are taking part in the party, it doesn't mean they hate or mock you. better view it as: they don't know you YET
i am NEVER aggressive or violent in my dreams. I'm just unbelievably shy.
i had a 'demoparty' dream too, i tried to fire a gun, but there were no bullets (not killing anyone, i was demonstrating something with window glass)
how to react to a ton of ppl teasing you in a demosene eating room. ROFL. OW! *moonwalks in*
or i will ask ChatGPT what to do, when entering a big room, and everyone could be teasing " IT'S RAPTUREEEE LOL . BETTER LATE THAN NEVER; DUUUDE. " Me: ...