Rapture (23:46:26) strange. i set "switch off monitor after: NEVER"
HexaDecimator (23:45:26) ahahaha
mirrorbird (23:45:08) "NO POLITICS!!!" -- a mod
mirrorbird (23:44:52) MODs are never subtle
HexaDecimator (23:44:42) tune was okay, just find old brass samples a bit much at times
mirrorbird (23:44:17) <o> eye did
Rapture (23:44:12) yes meet up with stingiii !!! at revo
HexaDecimator (23:44:09) I didn't check the votes lol
mirrorbird (23:43:59) if it were really true, you would have voted 2, not 3
mirrorbird (23:43:46) does he? that's fascinating, you should meet up. like (anti)matter
Time Left: 4:20
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