Rapture (00:15:35) techno remix
mirrorbird (00:12:21) (official Pb municipal action in the event of Toronto fire)
mirrorbird (00:12:07) close enough to spit
HappyDude (00:11:58)
HappyDude (00:11:54) Toronto don'cha know! I'm about 1.5h away from that wretched hive of scum and villiany
mirrorbird (00:10:49) i hear it's almost as desirable territory as Greenland... to some... arf
mirrorbird (00:10:24) guy was from Toronto if that helps with stereotypes. well, all canadians are from Toronto, right? the rest is a snowy waste.
Agemixer (00:10:23) I_go
Agemixer (00:10:15) Sorry. Just too much reading time spent per day.
mirrorbird (00:09:59) yeeees HD yeeees. sense 1: One who operates a hose, e.g. a fire hose or a garden hose.
Time Left: 4:50
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