Stinsen (03:29:52) sid
Stinsen (03:29:33) my slate is clean as fuck
Seymour (03:28:41) Rapo: "mary-sue", hahaha
Stinsen (03:28:36) but i wish her the best to her home
Stinsen (03:28:17) it is a bit watta to me
Stinsen (03:27:38) yes seymour
Stinsen (03:26:49) i payed for her taxi home...
Seymour (03:26:46) "women are just crazy and irrational" agreed, not for all time, but toooo often
Rapture (03:26:38) did she hit you in the face?
Stinsen (03:26:36) she slapped me
Time Left: 2:30
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