serpent (20:52:44) yeah i am surely anti AI
Rapture (20:52:37) ai is cool for art. except music. leave music to ppl
serpent (20:52:32) but i think he was doing so much for scene someone else has to do it, or rather someones elses
Rapture (20:52:23) are ya anti ai serp?
serpent (20:51:54) isuitable song for gargaj quitting pouet job
Rapture (20:51:24) no greets to serp as he doesnt greet me here either
Rapture (20:51:12) greets to thexder
serpent (20:48:19) (not saying any discussed or heard was)
serpent (20:47:52) yeah... but i wanna hear tunes that surely ain't AI
Thexder (20:26:32) Line of Force is quite nice, too
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