Rapture (23:57:16) mirror I wait til new tech is obsolete then I buy it
Stinsen (23:57:10) i found 3 beer in my fridge
Rapture (23:56:54) release games
mirrorbird (23:56:53) i'm definitely one of those people who never buys any new tech because i'm worried it will get obsolete and a new one will come along
Rapture (23:56:50) eh, what's the name
Rapture (23:56:49) no starting games?
Rapture (23:56:45) hexa whatta?
HexaDecimator (23:56:27) the joke when the PS3 was current was that it had no games lol
Stinsen (23:56:13) if there was beer
Rapture (23:56:06) cuz it has great games
Time Left: 4:58
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