Rapture (13:14:19) haha.. look at rapture, he won't finish french course, or whole school. *school makes walk away* me: sad
Agemixer (13:14:16) Chikagoose
mirrorbird (13:14:06) Audacity
mirrorbird (13:14:05) Windicity
Rapture (13:13:44) aka Windy City. Chicagho.
mirrorbird (13:13:30) hmmm no sounds like Chi-town (Chicago)
Rapture (13:13:27) THAT'S HY DREAM TOO. language courses.
Rapture (13:13:21) being ridiculed infront of whole class
mirrorbird (13:13:20) Chibase
mirrorbird (13:13:14) too bad, sister, they are gonna inherit the earth, it's over for Westcels
Time Left: 1:30
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