mirrorbird (00:53:48) arf gracious
Rapture (00:53:40) haha
mirrorbird (00:53:25) me sitting in the back corner with my huge glasses.
Rapture (00:53:24) engl teacher would often say "goodness gracious me"
mirrorbird (00:53:14) i miss the english teacher who called me "professor in the corner", he was fun
mirrorbird (00:53:12) would be awkward i imagine
Rapture (00:52:58) why did he leave
mirrorbird (00:52:36) once after school days we met the maths teacher in the pub, he left quickly lol
Rapture (00:52:35) i drank 30... oh i told that story too many times.
Rapture (00:52:27) sniff
Time Left: 3:21
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