d_vibe (10:20:39)
d_vibe (09:39:56) Tomorrow it's time for Gerp
zoi (09:12:05) it might not sync up as nicely
d_vibe (09:10:38) but perhaps it will be back when next song plays
d_vibe (09:10:26) It might also work if you manually start the stream
zoi (09:04:08) it probably still works if you whitelist necta
zoi (09:03:59) in mozarella filofox you can whitelist sites that are allowed to do autoplay
d_vibe (09:03:07) Ye, you're probably right, zoi
d_vibe (09:03:00)
zoi (08:59:50) back when realplayer was the coolest thing in store
Time Left: 3:12
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