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PC-S3MCelestial Fantasia by flag BeaT (Seth Peelle)
Requested By: flagzoi
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Time Left: 5:50

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Info for tag(s) "Vocals,GameRemix"

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[+] 1998 , [+] 2002 , [+] 2004 , [+] 2006 , [+] 2007 , [+] 2010 , [+] 2011 , [+] 2012 , [+] 2017 , [+] Acapella , [+] Amstrad , [+] Angry , [+] Autotune , [+] Beat , [+] Birthday , [+] Bossanova , [+] Burp , [+] Calm , [+] Chillout , [+] ComicBakery , [+] CommercialSamples , [+] Coop , [+] Cough , [+] CPC , [+] Dance , [+] Dark , [+] DistortedGuitar , [+] Dub , [+] Duet , [+] Epic , [+] Femalevocals , [+] Groovy , [+] Growl , [+] Guitar , [+] HalfLife , [+] ImpulseTracker , [+] ItalianSpeak , [+] Jazz , [+] Live , [+] love , [+] Lyrics , [+] Lyrics-Incomplete , [+] mario , [+] mashup , [+] Metal , [+] ocremix , [+] Orchestral , [+] OutOfTune , [+] Pagode , [+] Parody , [+] Piano , [+] Psychedelic , [+] quiet , [+] Rap , [+] Relaxing , [+] Remake , [+] Remix , [+] remix64 , [+] Rock , [+] Samba , [+] samples , [+] Sleepy , [+] Slow , [+] soundfx , [+] SpaceShooter , [+] Trance , [+] Untz

Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC (other)1942 Hi-Score theme ("You Were There") flag Boz (Alistair Bowness) 2:54 Rejected 1.0 l Locked
Ace 2 (feat. Kate Lesing) flag PowerTrace (Kent Walldén) 4:01 Active * 3.1 Log in to queue 2024-04-15
PC (other)Angry Bubble Bobble Player flag Kangaroo MusiQue (Thorsten Mitschele) 5:06 Active * 3.2 l Locked 2025-03-11
PC (other)Arkanoid (SID No More Mix) Explicit content flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson) 2:39 Active * 2.8 Log in to queue 2024-07-01
PC (other)Armageddon Man (Blow It 2K11) flag 7even Sins 5:00 Active * 3.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-19
PC (other)Armageddon Man (Vocal Jazz) flag Karin Öjehagen , flag Mahoney (Pex Tufvesson) 4:18 Active 4.2 l Locked 2025-02-27
Blood Valley flag X-formZ (Fredrik Löfman + Ola Brandt) 5:38 Rejected 2.5 l Locked 2023-11-20
PC (other)Comic Bakery flag Visa Röster 4:33 Moved 4.0 l Locked 2023-08-16
PC (other)Comic Bakery (larger than no remix) flag DHS (Carlo Demichelis) , flag Press Play on Tape 4:44 Active 3.4 l Locked 2025-03-09
Commando flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson) , flag Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen) 4:24 Active 3.4 Log in to queue 2024-10-10
PC (other)Cybernoid II (feat Jennie & Kylie) flag Mordi (Martin Wold Lande) 6:26 Active 3.9 l Locked 2025-03-13
PC (other)Deflektor - The CoShiEs flag Kangaroo MusiQue (Thorsten Mitschele) 3:32 Active * 2.7 Log in to queue 2025-03-02
PC (other)Delta flag Visa Röster 3:10 Moved 3.4 l Locked 2023-05-16
Delta (Radio Edit) User Avancada 3:21 Active 2.9 Log in to queue 2024-08-09
PC (other)Fist II - The Legend Continues flag Dr Future (Volker Buckow) 3:26 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2024-12-07
PC (other)Formula 1 Simulator flag Visa Röster 3:39 Moved 3.0 l Locked 2022-11-12
Great Giana Rastas flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson) 1:55 Moved 3.4 l Locked 2023-11-19
PC (other)Great Giana sisters (Giana's poem) flag Peter W (Peter Wennergren) 3:13 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-06-21
PC (other)Hollywood Poker Pro (All in 2007) flag Dr Future (Volker Buckow) 3:54 Active 2.2 l Locked 2025-02-22
Lost Patrol flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson) 4:18 Active * 2.9 Log in to queue 2024-03-26
PC (other)M.U.L.E. flag Visa Röster 3:36 Moved 2.7 l Locked 2023-04-21
PC-ReasonMap of Comic Bakery in Tasmania flag rams (Ramon Ott) 2:44 Active * 3.4 Log in to queue 2024-11-23
Mega Apocalypse flag N-Joy (IT) (Claudio Tassitano) GroupThe Soundwavers 3:45 Active 2.2 Log in to queue 2024-08-02
PC (other)Monty On The Run - highscore [garage band mix] flag Ifadeo (Michael Leier) 4:51 Active * 2.1 Log in to queue 2024-06-21
MOTR Hiscore (1980's Pop Ballad) flag Darren Izzard and Alex Aris 3:10 Active 2.1 Log in to queue 2024-11-24
PC (other)Nemesis the Doorlock flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson) 3:45 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-11
PC (other)Paperboy (Peaperboayh mix) flag The Dead Guys (Peter Aid and Tomas Nystrom) 4:45 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-01
PC (other)Portal - Still Alive Remix flag Raddox 4:31 Rejected 3.5 l Locked 2019-09-20
PC (other)Rastan Saga flag Glyn R. Brown 5:40 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-12-01
PC (other)Robocop3 (Gonna get you mad mix) flag Mahoney (Pex Tufvesson) 3:47 Active * 3.6 l Locked 2025-03-10
PC-S3MSlurp & Burp 3 flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin) 0:56 Active * 2.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-15
LiveSpy vs Spy (Live) flag Visa Röster 3:02 Moved 3.4 l Locked 2023-09-05
PC-RenoiseStill Alive (zipf remix) flag rams (Ramon Ott) 4:23 Active * 3.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-30
PC (other)Stormlord - Seneca's Marble Pack flag N-Joy (IT) (Claudio Tassitano) 4:21 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2025-01-29
System Shock [intro remix] User PLZI 3:37 Active * 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-18
The Human Race (remix) flag Mordi (Martin Wold Lande) 3:28 Active 4.1 Log in to queue 2024-08-25
LiveThe Human Race (subtune 4 a cappella) flag Visa Röster 3:08 Moved 4.2 l Locked 2023-11-15
PC (other)The Last V8 (feat. Necropolo, Harri and Mimmi) flag Slaygon (Kenneth Mutka) 2:55 Active 3.3 Log in to queue 2024-12-16
PC (other)Think Cross flag Visa Röster 2:49 Moved 2.3 l Locked 2023-04-08
LiveThrust (feat. Hanna Kappelin) flag Visa Röster 4:25 Moved 4.2 l Locked 2023-11-07
PC (other)Utopia [utopia revisited mix] flag Dayta 6:47 Active * 2.8 Log in to queue 2024-03-23
PC (other)We'll Never Be Apart (Commando Highscore) flag N-Joy (IT) (Claudio Tassitano) 4:16 Active 2.5 Log in to queue 2024-01-02
PC (other)Zoids flag O2 (Carsten Ohlsen) , flag Visa Röster 6:17 Moved 4.3 l Locked 2023-11-09