Rapture (13:15:26) BUT.. it feels like I REPEAT school. so I'm there voluntarily. back in school.
mirrorbird (13:15:00) they did give me a qualification for the 1st one (because i did two whole years) but not a full BSc
mirrorbird (13:14:48) i dropped out of my 1st degree. and then took a totally different one about 10 years later. so it's a confused topic for me
Rapture (13:14:36) *mates
Rapture (13:14:19) haha.. look at rapture, he won't finish french course, or whole school. *school makes walk away* me: sad
Agemixer (13:14:16) Chikagoose
mirrorbird (13:14:06) Audacity
mirrorbird (13:14:05) Windicity
Rapture (13:13:44) aka Windy City. Chicagho.
mirrorbird (13:13:30) hmmm no sounds like Chi-town (Chicago)
Time Left: 1:30
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