here out of love for a specific artform.
The community here is better because it's largely an older generation lacking all the gen-Z bullshit, not to mention veterans of Internet culture who have seen it all and are therefore more tolerant. Plus this is an interest group; everyone who's here is
I bet, there would be lotsa comments "eww, you like geese? and you never write about human girls. are you like crazy? And you write WHAT about that political party? I bet you're r*cist f*ckist supermacho*ist and what-ever-else-label*ist too! hahahah! fool!
but on FB TW it's like posting it to the whole world (if you don't set FB to only-for-friends mode)
I feel safe here, a small nice community, non-toxic (99%)
I'd really wanna know what would happen I i'd write the stuff I write HERE, in my FB and TW feed every day