zoner (19:56:25) Can someone go over to Serpent's and make sure he is OK
zoi (19:50:08) serpent says that UFOs are proof
mirrorbird (19:49:25) yes yes must call my poor artist brb
mirrorbird (19:49:17) anyone who lives around Reading (hahaha!) the new thai restau opening tomrrow lunchtime is doing FREE lunches
mirrorbird (19:48:59) AH fuck that reminded me
mirrorbird (19:48:52) if you *did* talk shit on social media you would hear from my lawyers certainly. mirrorbird why do you have money? -- i don't know, mostly to piss people off. shut up it's not your biz.
mirrorbird (19:47:56) I'M LISTENING....
mirrorbird (19:47:48) Thank you also for letting us know about some typos on our website.
mirrorbird (19:47:44) Would you mind if we quoted your views on social media? Don't worry, we won't quote your full name
mirrorbird (19:47:39) Good afternoon [mirrorbird]
Time Left: 3:05
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