Agemixer (04:47:09) not saying, it is impossible.
Agemixer (04:45:24) That would be just... uhhh
Agemixer (04:45:14) But just try to replicate such stuff on.. SID!
Agemixer (04:43:40) YouTube Link
Agemixer (04:43:04) for some reason i was more into this kind of trancey (melodic)..
mirrorbird (04:38:34) yes that group
Agemixer (04:37:46) vaguely. NP Thr Grid - Rollercoaster (checking)
mirrorbird (04:35:19) do you remember these guys
Agemixer (04:34:57) but could been done really with tranceish sounds and progressions though (not so easy task with those oldskool editors..)
mirrorbird (04:34:29) i listened to that CD often in Windows 95 times
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