Agemixer (03:22:35) Rap: what is your preferred method for those coop tunes
Rapture (03:19:13) Da Shit (it's so funny )
Rapture (03:18:48) Freestyler (remix)
Rapture (03:18:36) I love Age's tracks:
Agemixer (03:14:33) Seymour: fun fact the bluetooth logo comes out of the runic initials of Bluetooth the Viking
Agemixer (03:11:48) now it works. Some browser glitch i assume
Agemixer (03:11:07) back
Rapture (03:10:40) sey yes, or AI function to delete that bass fromt he song!
Agemixer (03:09:28) brb relogging in (page update issue)
Agemixer (03:08:44) Seymour, correct
Time Left: 3:25
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