Rapture (03:27:08) o/
HexaDecimator (03:24:28) c'ya
Rapture (03:22:16) gn8 & cya!
Rapture (03:22:07) minutiae - wow.. what a word, chatgpt! and my online dict pronouncing it for me. mind-boggling! hard to memorize such a pronounciation
Rapture (00:27:06) cool guy! he even didn't damage the mussel and let it live, good guy
Rapture (00:26:18) really a dream job (for germans only) https://www.youtube.com
Rapture (23:34:39) I summon da karl eduardo!
Rapture (23:34:35) rapture edlin
edlinfan (23:26:21)
Rapture (23:19:05)
Time Left: 2:58