Rapture (02:57:00)
mirrorbird (02:56:10) if it snows properly (deep) i will go outdoors and walk
mirrorbird (02:55:59) ciao
Rapture (02:55:51) gn8!
Rapture (02:55:36) or else I will be zombie tomorrow
Rapture (02:55:30) fuu ok i gotta go to bed soon
Rapture (02:54:42) YAY for webbed feet
Rapture (02:54:39) I'm drying my shoes atm. in goose park, they got so wet
Rapture (02:54:04) whatever. I want da snow back!
Rapture (02:53:54) or if it's not makeable, like 32bit systems can only support 4GB or ram. then eh, no updates help
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