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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)The Hit (Froggies Reset Screen) Have video by flag Jess [fr] (Jean-Sébastien Gérard)
Requested By: flagfaraday

Time Left: 16:35

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Stencil cutout of a 5
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User Profile For FishGuy876 [Visit User's Website]

[FishGuy876's Avatar]
flag Adamstown, PA

Member Since: September 18, 2008
376 Uploads, 701 Votes, Spoken 1 Times.
Last Login: May 23, 2019
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Public information

hehe =) [TM]

Mad scenemusic listener, coded on most of the original 8-bit platforms, as well as Amiga, PC, Mac, PocketPC and Linux. Started my coding career coding on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum (Z80 rulez!!)

Big fan of the YM SID Chip, Amiga and the Atari XL. You'll often see me on the site requesting some of the classics!! I am versed the most in the SID area by far, having been a follower of the C64 demoscene for many years. I love the tunes, but I am as they say tone deaf; so everyone else composed on my behalf!

Big thanks to those who are reviving the Necta project; Without you, i'd have nothing to listen to! Thanks, guys!

Link To My dev Server:
ICQ: 9701389
AOL/Yahoo: FishGuy876
Skype: FishGuy876 [Text messages only, no voice!]
IRC: Fish-Guy or FishGuy876 on Arcnet
Email: ItsBecauseImGreenIsntIt [at]

All my babies, for without them, my life would be meaningless...