faraday (18:22:37) like the old days of the telegram [STOP]
mirrorbird (18:21:56) and weirdly, every time, it ends the transcription with exactly two: [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]
faraday (18:21:52) [whispers continue]
mirrorbird (18:21:48) i've started using this AI speech-to-text thing, for dictation
faraday (18:21:42) [whispers]
faraday (18:21:34) [dog barking]
faraday (18:21:16) [roars] [birds chirping] [leaves crackling] etc
faraday (18:20:13) so now I know plenty of words like "
faraday (18:20:00) *ppl only
faraday (18:19:48) currently watching series with En subtitles... but it is available for non hearing ple
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