faraday (08:33:15) howdy Colidace
Colidace (08:31:19) faraday o/
zoi (08:29:57) driving down to .cz for the holidays. I've got snow chains and a shovel in the trunk. the mountains can be a bit snowed in at times.
zoi (08:28:29) but looks like we might getting hit with some snow at the end of next week
zoi (08:28:07) no, I'm in skåne
faraday (08:27:50) o/
Colidace (07:46:46) d_vibe o/
Colidace (07:45:32) hmm Platform - PC-HSC, what is HSC Track ?
d_vibe (07:38:20) Are you living up north, Zoi?
zoi (07:05:49) winter is coming. I should get those winter tyres on today
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