mirrorbird (01:54:27) i had a small green monochrome monitor like that, for my BBC. astronaut monitors.
juN3bula (01:54:10) PC can be pro or personal this onesi pr
mirrorbird (01:54:09) yes those triangular computers with circular screen -- it's rather like 1960s Star Trek
juN3bula (01:53:33) https://www.reddit.com look its profeesion no personal like 1st models
juN3bula (01:53:15) i wwill after revsion
mirrorbird (01:51:25) but do the C64 and Beeb first
mirrorbird (01:51:12) juN3 some day you will want to do a speccy thing, then we will work together.
mirrorbird (01:50:48) n.b. "Rap song" and "rap song" are very different beasts
mirrorbird (01:50:34) some older are 2s and 3s
mirrorbird (01:50:18) in fact i've rarely voted less than 4 on a Rap song. why? cause i like him? NO. cause they are just mostly good songs.
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