only things i can think of are cutted cables in baltic sea who no one knows who cuts them
Russia's been talking about Sweden for a long time, Gotland more specifically. Plus I think they hit one of their cables recently?
No, I'm genuinely asking you. Are you referring to wartime behaviors in Ukraine, or some aggression towards Sweden that I'm unaware of?
@oldchap: Sounds like you cherry-picking the news,
Stinsen: What are you referring to in particular?
Serp: I've been really shocked lately by the number of prosecutions for minor insults on social media, in Germany and the UK. We definitely don't live in a free world anymore and must keep fighting for the freedom we have left.
@oldchap: Yes rude and uncalled for. But then you have to acknowledge what they do.
but beware, you are banned in europe for telling all this oldchap
And I would never be dismissive of your opinions, but when you're talking about Russians like they're all bad people, and should be banned or beheaded or whatnot, and we've got Russian members logged on right now, and you're saying this in front of them, >