Agemixer (02:26:08) Theoretically optimal, but the idea also segregates easily. Not the nicest idea.
Agemixer (02:21:52) Or more "preference" but i know... easier say than done.
Agemixer (02:11:43) Basically i'm saying a bit more "profiling" of tunes, priority value for scene stuff
Agemixer (02:08:17) I added my thoughts to that discussion
Rapture (23:42:05) gn8 & cya
Rapture (23:42:03) maybe mirror writes some lines too
Rapture (23:41:58) i agree with doh
Rapture (23:28:19) ok I wrote some lines...
doh (23:22:34) Prowler, Rapture, your turn...
Rapture (23:22:27) yo vivid graphics
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