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General » Long, noisy tunes

Pages: 1
Author Thread

348 Posts
#1328 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Hi guys, some of these have recently been TEMPORARILY set to "inactive" status, as the current locking algorithm allows them to be queued too often. A new locking algo is being tested currently and should go live this weekend, at which point most of these tunes can be set back to "active."

Examples include Parallax, Shodan, and some others. No need to go ballistic; they will be made available again in the near future.
symptomless coma

430 Posts
#1817 (2 years, 9 months ago)
When will these tunes be reactivated?

348 Posts
#1818 (2 years, 9 months ago)
Soon, real soon. In the near future, in fact, as indicated by the original message.
symptomless coma

430 Posts
#1819 (2 years, 9 months ago)
The original message in fact said the "new locking algo ... should go live this weekend [1 year, 9 months ago], at which point most of these tunes can be set back to active". So I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. We get an extra two days soon for the Queen being very old.
Pages: 1

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