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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

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Artist Info

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Stalker (US)
This is an alias of : flag Ari (Ariel Gross) !
Groups : GroupFive Musicians GroupHellven GroupOverThrowMachine [OTM]

Name : Ariel Gross
Location: flag Phoenix, AZ / Austin, TX

Additional Information:

aka Funkymuskrat

Greetings! I’m Ariel. I have a wife and two kids, and they are the loves of my life and my best friends. I like to compose music and experiment with sound. I like to draw, whether it’s pen and paper or pixel art, it doesn’t really matter. I like playing games and I like making games. I like reading and writing. I like listening to music with my eyes closed. I like closing my eyes in general. I like… you? Contact me.

I learned how to compose music using trackers in the early 90’s by hanging out in the demoscene. In 1996, my involvement with an ANSI art group, ACiD, landed me my first video game music composition and sound design gig with Webfoot Games. I worked for Webfoot for many years. I worked on lots of casual PC games and a Dragon Ball Z title for the Game Boy Advance. Loved every minute.

I’m currently Audio Director at QC Games. Before that, I was a producer at BioWare. Before that, I was at Volition in the role of Studio Audio Director. Building a career in game development has been a challenge for the ages, but it has been worth it. It has consistently surrounded me with brilliant and talented people, and I’d like that to continue. So maybe you should get in touch?

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Last Updated: 10 Nov. 2024

Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC-S3M(Chain Reaction) 4 in the Morning flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 2:44 Active 3.8 l Locked 2025-03-20
PC-S3MAtlantis flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) GroupFive Musicians 3:59 Active 3.4 Log in to queue 2024-11-27
Beyond Life flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 3:38 Active * 3.9 Log in to queue 2023-06-14
Blue City flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 1:56 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-05-31
PC-S3MHaving it All flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 3:07 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2024-10-27
PC-ITLunar Lullaby flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 3:27 Active 3.8 l Locked 2025-03-16
One World flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 2:21 Active 2.8 Log in to queue 2024-03-11
Remember flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 2:33 Dupe * 5.0 l Locked
PC-S3MSolace flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 3:32 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2025-01-22
Stalk's Lil' Ditty (E-49812) flag Stalker (US) (Ariel Gross) 4:47 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-04