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Permanent Pissup by flag Makke (Marcus Nilsson)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 3:57

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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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Tame AKA the Altair [ATR]

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
Die Andere Seite User Tame 3:33 Rejected 2.9 l Locked 2020-04-12
Die leute die zur love parade gehen duerfen und koennen User Tame 1:32 Rejected 1.3 l Locked 2020-07-25
Gone User Tame 2:38 Rejected 1.3 l Locked 2020-06-12
Keep My Face Blushed User Tame 5:01 Rejected 3.1 l Locked 2020-04-17
Kein Vergleich User Tame 4:37 Rejected 1.4 l Locked 2020-08-12
Missing User Tame 4:43 Rejected * 2.6 l Locked 2018-05-05
Moments of Contemplation User Tame 3:00 Rejected 3.0 l Locked 2018-04-25
People User Tame 6:19 Rejected * 1.5 l Locked 2015-03-28
Sehnsucht User Tame 4:56 Rejected 3.0 l Locked 2020-05-02
Silence User Tame 7:24 Rejected * 1.6 l Locked 2011-09-21
Thauwind User Tame 4:54 Rejected 1.4 l Locked 2018-12-30
Vehar User Tame 2:05 Rejected * 1.3 l Locked 2015-02-22