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PC-RenoiseMegasong 1: Synergetique Have video by flag Elrinth (Nicklas Holmgren) , flag Rage (Harri Blom) , flag Rapture (Fabian Del Priore) , flag serpent (Touko Väre) , flag Shinobi (Marcus Andre Rousseau) , flag Silok (Robert Katsenos) , flag Spiral (Mats Antonsson)
Requested By: flagdarlaam
In Compilations: Compilation Bitjam Podcast #208
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Time Left: 26:16

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Artist Info


Name : Bryce Case, Jr.
Location: flag

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC (other)Dugdig flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 2:44 Rejected * 2.3 l Locked 2011-06-28
Legend flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 3:01 Rejected * 2.5 l Locked 2011-06-07
PC (other)Meganerd flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 3:02 Rejected * 2.2 l Locked 2011-06-28
PC (other)NES flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 3:02 Rejected * 2.5 l Locked 2011-06-25
PC (other)Surgerunner flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 3:43 Rejected * 2.2 l Locked 2011-06-14
PC (other)View Source flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 3:44 Rejected * 2.2 l Locked 2011-06-28
PC (other)Warez Loader flag YTCracker (Bryce Case, Jr.) 2:35 Rejected * 1.9 l Locked