Name : Svein Engelsjgerd
Additional Information:
From http://scenesat.com/forum/threads/100-Introduce-yourself!?s=07500e064bf3a82286f988ed643d5e88&p=183#post183:
Ok here goes... I go by the nick Waxhead and my real name is Svein (sounds like swine in english... quite appropriate I have to admit). My first computer was a C64 and after some time I moved to Amiga who was exposed to numerous hacks and upgrades. It was not until 2k I made the swap to a heater (read:std pc). For the Amiga I started with Amos, moved to AmigaE and some 68K assembly at the end. I coded a few minor tools but the only notable thing I did was write a ProTracker clone called AdeptTracker who used the AmigaOS2.0 system GUI instead of the more common custom GUI's around. (can be found by googling "AdeptTracker Aminet") for those of you who are interested. We also made a few "demos" released at TG97 (13th and 15th place). My skills are coding, music, 3dgfx, 2dgfx and just about a little bit of everything you can think of. As for the more recent years the more notable stuff I have done is a utility called DriveGLEAM who is a software based hard disk indicator LED thing + CPU & MEM usage etc... Other projects I am involed in are the www.6581-8580.com (SOASC=) and www.paula8364.com (SOAMC=) projects. I manage the server + write the code that runs the database. Due to various reasons our server is on very limited bandwidth at the moment (hint hint).
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