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PC (other)Knark by flag Paniq (Leonard Ritter)
Requested By: flagHexaDecimator

Time Left: 3:12

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Artist Info

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Groups : GroupNerve

Name : Nelson Addison
Location: flag South Carolina
Age : 26

Additional Information:

Hey guys,

I'm eXOdus, and I've been tracking for five years now.
I started out using FastTracker II on a Pentium II. Now I use Renoise 3.1, along with tons of different VSTs, and my only hardware synth, an Ensoniq TS-10 (a ROMpler).

I haven't been involved in the scene in a while, school, trying to find myself and the like, but I can't abandon the people who got me started writing music. My music took a hit as I learned how to mix and master music, but now I've finally learned how and I can happily return to writing stuff similar to the modules I tracked before.

Beyond music, I enjoy running distance, writing stories and poetry, and programming.

Hope you enjoy my music, new and old, modules and FLAC (and MP3 before I used FLAC). Most of my music from 2014 is bad though, so be forewarned.


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Last Updated: 12 Feb. 2019

Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC (other)Adventure Time [Remix] flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) 4:26 Rejected 3.7 l Locked 2018-11-30
PC (other)Capital Kings - I Feel So Alive (eXOdus Remix) flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) 2:11 Rejected 2.5 l Locked 2018-04-10
PC (other)Dream Crusher (Part I) flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) 2:55 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2025-01-12
PC-XMFailing Biology flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) GroupNerve 2:52 Active 2.5 Log in to queue 2023-11-18
PC-RenoiseFever flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) 3:11 Active 2.2 Log in to queue 2025-01-05
PC-XMFinding Myself (Demo Edit) flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) GroupNerve 1:28 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-12-06
PC-XMSaturation (Part I) flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) 3:21 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2024-07-29
PC-XMSweet Dreams Remix flag eXOdus (Nelson Addison) GroupNerve 3:02 Active 3.2 Log in to queue 2025-02-02