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Compilation Compilation: Music Contest 5

Compilation Summary:
Name: Music Contest 5
Release Date: 14 July 1997
Running Time: 37:35
Additional Info: Details Page

Added On: 20 March 2010
By: flagseppjo

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Compilation Details For Music Contest 5:

An "MC5 entry" is an IT/MOD/S3M/XM music module with pattern and uncompressed sample data, playable in Cubic Player v1.7, Fast Tracker v2.06, or Impulse Tracker v2.12. The only text allowed in an MC5 entry is "Song Title." This contest is anonymous; no one will know who entered which song until the contest is over. Your name or handle may not appear anywhere.

You must register to enter MC5. You may do this one of two ways. If you have access to a web browser, fill out the online form below. If you have email but no web access, complete the application mc5enter.txt (included in You must have a valid email address to enter Music Contest 5. Only one entry per email address is allowed.

Verification for web registrations will be done instantly. Verification for email registrations will typically take less than 3 days. This verification will also include information on how to upload your entry.

The final results will list all author/song associations.
Entry Registration
You must register to enter Music Contest 5.

Entry registration is has ended.

Compilation Artists: flag April (Maria Dahl) flag Mick Rippon flag Necros (Andrew Sega) flag Pedro (Marco Pietribiasi) flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) flag Rhino (David Newman) flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) flag Stereoman (George Marinov) flag Teo [IT] (Matteo Zatti) flag WAVE (Jeroen Tel)

Songs In This Production (10 Total) :

PC-XM911 by flag WAVE (Jeroen Tel) Log in to queue
PC-ITAlone by flag Mick Rippon Log in to queue
PC-XMEmelie by flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) l Locked
PC-XMFlood by flag Rhino (David Newman) Log in to queue
PC-XMFunky Religion by flag April (Maria Dahl) Log in to queue
PC-ITMartian Lovesong by flag Necros (Andrew Sega) Log in to queue
PC-ITOrientxpression by flag Stereoman (George Marinov) Log in to queue
PC-XMTrue Friend by flag Teo [IT] (Matteo Zatti) Log in to queue
PC-ITThe Alchemist by flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) l Locked
PC-XMTides by flag Pedro (Marco Pietribiasi) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

Changes to rules or deadlines of the contest (posted in the MC5 newsletter) become the responsibility of all participants. Failure to observe such changes is not the burden of the MC5 organizers.
Reasons For Disqualification
1. The entry or author violates any of the rules above
2. The author's name or handle appears anywhere in the song file
3. An entrant votes on his/her own song
4. The song is ripped

If you are disqualified you can not re-enter.

The organizers of MC5 reserve the right to disqualify a song due to unforeseen circumstances.
</td></tr></table><div class="screenshot"><a href="/demovibes/screenshot/920/"><img src="/static/media/screenshot/thumb/mc5.jpg" alt="Music Contest 5" /></a>
<span class="screenshotname">Music Contest 5</span></div></div>

All Images For This Compilation