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Compilation Compilation: Nectarine Compo #09 - Christmas Time Compo

Compilation Summary:
Name: Nectarine Compo #09 - Christmas Time Compo
Release Date: 23 Dec. 2010
Running Time: 9:04
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 1 Jan. 2011
By: flaglemonade

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Compilation Details For Nectarine Compo #09 - Christmas Time Compo:

<strong>Final results:</strong>

1st | <span class="songname"><a href="/demovibes/platform/9/"><img alt="PC-MP3" class="platform_icon" src="/static/media/platform/symbol/koekmp3.png" title="PC-MP3" /></a><a href="/demovibes/song/31385/">Mewwy Cwistmas</a></span> by <span class="artistname"><img src='/static/flags/no.png' class='countryflag' alt='flag' title='no' /><a href="/demovibes/artist/2040/">Mordi (Martin Wold Lande)</a></span><span data-name="a_queue_31385"><span style="display:none">l</span><img class="song_tail" src="/static/lock.png" title="Locked" alt="Locked"/></span>| 4.2 pts
2nd | <span class="songname"><a href="/demovibes/platform/15/"><img alt="PC-Renoise" class="platform_icon" src="/static/media/platform/symbol/koekrenoise.png" title="PC-Renoise" /></a><a href="/demovibes/song/31386/">Waiting for Santa</a></span> by <span class="artistname"><img src='/static/flags/de.png' class='countryflag' alt='flag' title='de' /><a href="/demovibes/artist/3986/">Arne (Arne Puszelski)</a></span><span data-name="a_queue_31386"><span style="display:none">l</span><img class="song_tail" src="/static/lock.png" title="Locked" alt="Locked"/></span>| 3.8 pts
3rd | <span class="songname"><a href="/demovibes/platform/3/"><img alt="PC-XM" class="platform_icon" src="/static/media/platform/symbol/koekxm.png" title="PC-XM" /></a><a href="/demovibes/song/31384/">Gingerbread Factory</a></span> by <span class="artistname"><img src='/static/flags/fi.png' class='countryflag' alt='flag' title='fi' /><a href="/demovibes/artist/1999/">lemonade (Pasi Sakala)</a></span><span data-name="a_queue_31384"><form name="queue_song" method="post" action="/demovibes/song/queue/" class="ajaxify linkform"><span style="display:none">u</span><input type="hidden" value="31384" name="songid" /><input type="image" name="img" src="/static/add.png" title="Queue song" class="queuesongimage" /></form></span>| 3.5 pts
3rd | <span class="songname"><a href="/demovibes/platform/15/"><img alt="PC-Renoise" class="platform_icon" src="/static/media/platform/symbol/koekrenoise.png" title="PC-Renoise" /></a><a href="/demovibes/song/31383/">Happy Unzmas 1994</a></span> by <span class="artistname"><img src='/static/flags/ch.png' class='countryflag' alt='flag' title='ch' /><a href="/demovibes/artist/1764/"title="Aliases : Zipf ">rams (Ramon Ott)</a></span><span data-name="a_queue_31383"><span style="display:none">l</span><img class="song_tail" src="/static/lock.png" title="Locked" alt="Locked"/></span>| 3.5 pts

Compilation Artists: flag Arne (Arne Puszelski) flag lemonade (Pasi Sakala) flag Mordi (Martin Wold Lande) flag rams (Ramon Ott)

Songs In This Production (4 Total) :

PC (other)Mewwy Cwistmas by flag Mordi (Martin Wold Lande) Log in to queue
PC-XMWaiting for Santa by flag Arne (Arne Puszelski) Log in to queue
PC-XMGingerbread Factory by flag lemonade (Pasi Sakala) Log in to queue
PC-RenoiseHappy Unzmas 1994 by flag rams (Ramon Ott) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

You know it's that time of the year again - and we just need to have a christmas compo.

This will be a very short compo, as we are very close to christmas (about 100hours from now).

* one entry per user
* tune must have a christmas feeling / or something todo with christmas
* max tracklength: 10min
</td></tr></table><div class="screenshot"><a href="/demovibes/screenshot/17749/"><img src="/static/media/screenshot/thumb/nectarine-christmas.png" alt="Nectarine Compo #09 - Christmas Time" /></a>
<span class="screenshotname">Nectarine Compo #09 - Christmas Time</span></div></div>

All Images For This Compilation