Compilation Details For Bitjam Podcast #126:
01. Virgill - Dying Ten Thoughts 02. Moby - Raging Fire 03. T-101 - Heave 04. JPH - Black Hornet (2nd Strike) ( MISSING ) 05. Darkman007 - Nowhere To Hide 06. Vincenzo - Rush 07. Mice - FUnCK 08. Firestorm - IK+ (Firestorm Remix) 09. Chanel5 - Why Don't You Walk Away 10. Necros - Revelation 11. Quasian - System 51 12. Machinae Supremacy - Multiball 13. Romeo Knight - Commando (Feat. Makke) 14. Slyspy - Isoljator (Garage in a Band Mix) Total playtime: 44:47min.
Compilation Artists:
Chanel5 (Eero Lempinen)
Darkman007 (Vladimir Tugay)
Firestorm (Panu Aaltio)
Machinae Supremacy
Mice (Mikko Ahola)
Moby (Frédéric Motte)
Necros (Andrew Sega)
Quasian (Pasi Kainiemi)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Slyspy (András Kövér)
Vincenzo (László Gyula Vincze)
Virgill (Jochen Feldkötter)
Songs In This Production (13 Total) :
Dying Ten Thoughts by
Virgill (Jochen Feldkötter)
Raging Fire by
Moby (Frédéric Motte)
Heave by
Nowhere to Hide by
Darkman007 (Vladimir Tugay)
Rush by
Vincenzo (László Gyula Vincze)
FUnCK by
Mice (Mikko Ahola)
IK+ (Firestorm remix)
Firestorm (Panu Aaltio)
Why Dont U Walk Away ? by
Chanel5 (Eero Lempinen)
Necros (Andrew Sega)
System 51 by
Quasian (Pasi Kainiemi)
Multiball by
Machinae Supremacy
Commando by
Makke (Marcus Nilsson)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Isoljator (Garage in a Band Mix) by
Slyspy (András Kövér)
Production Notes: Mixing by Vincenzo, logo #126 by H2O </td></tr></table><div class="screenshot"><a href="/demovibes/screenshot/802/"><img src="/static/media/screenshot/thumb/podcast126.jpg" alt="Bitjam Podcast #126" /></a> <span class="screenshotname">Bitjam Podcast #126</span></div></div>