Rapture (02:28:39) good
mirrorbird (02:28:13) lenny's parilla still open
Rapture (02:27:39) a midnight food shop
Rapture (02:27:32) and find sth to eat
Rapture (02:27:29) lets go outside
Rapture (02:27:26) meet ya in 5 mins
Rapture (02:27:23) ok mirror
mirrorbird (02:26:55) oui und ja et yes
mirrorbird (02:26:45) https://simply-delicious-food.com Crispy bacon brie grilled cheese sandwich with caramelised onions
Rapture (02:26:08) : D
Time Left: 6:59
Compilation Summary: Name: Tracked in Time Release Date: 1 Jan. 2009 Running Time: 96:34 Media Type: Windows Download Link: Download Info Pouet Info: Pouet Link Added On: 25 July 2013 By: _wally [Add Album Art]
T·R·A·C·K·E·D I·N T·I·M·E a pure ST-01 music disk
14 musicians - 32 songs
Every single track in this production has been made with unaltered sounds from the original ST-01 sample disk
Brainstormers from 10 different countries participated
Total playtime: 1 hour 37 minutes